Headshots of the four school counselors of the year 2025.

What role does advocacy play in your work as a school counselor?

A school counselor is meeting with two young children while they play with Legos.

What’s the most valuable lesson your students have taught you during your time as a counselor?

How can families begin fostering college awareness at home during the elementary years?

School counselor, Rosie Rodriguez poses in front of a wall her students' work.

Can you share a moment when a student’s success reaffirmed your passion for school counseling?

Group shot of the Nelson high school counseling team.

What inspires you to keep advocating for your students, even during challenging times?

How do you introduce the idea of college to elementary school students in an age-appropriate way?

Students are sitting at a table working on laptops.

How do you balance guidance for students applying to college with support for those taking alternative paths, like trade school or entering the workforce?

How do you help plant the seeds of college and career readiness in students at such a young age?

What’s one thing you wish every student (and their families) understood about planning for the future, regardless of grade level?