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First-year students may submit applications for admission under either the Early Decision or Regular Decision options. Students who have completed college coursework as part of any program of early graduation from secondary school or other accelerated completion of secondary school are considered first-year applicants. Applicants otherwise eligible for transfer status (see below) may instead elect to apply for first-year admission.
A student may apply for transfer admission to Amherst after completing the equivalent of 32 semester hours of transferable liberal arts coursework at another college or university. (Courses in progress at the time of application are included in determining transferable credit.) We do not accept applications from individuals who have already earned a bachelor's degree. Nor do we accept transfer applications from students whose only college coursework was completed as part of any program of early graduation from secondary school.
Amherst College is a place where curiosity, discovery, intellect, and character are highly valued, and where equity and inclusion are a way of life. We search for exceptional students from across the country and around the world, and we offer one of the most comprehensive, ambitious financial aid programs in the country. The liberal arts experience at Amherst is rooted in the flexibility and freedom of our open curriculum, a curriculum that very few other institutions offer.