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You should apply to the George Washington University (GW) as a first-year applicant if you are currently in your senior year of high school, have earned a GED or completed high school, but never enrolled in college courses. The GW Admissions Committee carefully reviews each applicant based on academic background, the rigor of high school coursework, and GPA. In addition, the committee takes into consideration essays, letters of recommendation, and extracurricular activities. Submitting standardized test scores is optional.
The George Washington University (GW) considers anyone who has graduated from high school and completed at least one college course since high school graduation to be a transfer student. Our review of your application package includes an evaluation of your academic background at each institution of higher education previously attended. We also take into consideration your high school record and standardized test scores (if applicable), essays, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities and interest in the university.