December 1 is the priority deadline. February 1 is the recommended deadline. April 1 is the deadline.
As a transfer student, you can be accepted into the first-year, sophomore, or junior classes.
You must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale from your former college
If you have fewer than 24 credits, you must fulfill all requirements for admission to the freshman class
Candidates for admission from regionally accredited two-year colleges are judged by the same criteria as applicants from four-year institutions
Generally, you may transfer up to 90 credits from regionally accredited institutions with no more than 75 credits from two-year institutions. Georgian Court also has dual-degree agreements with many New Jersey community colleges that are designed to make the transfer process easier and help you transfer the maximum number of credits
Take advantage of our many market-driven majors—including business administration, health-related/nursing, and education—as well as our flexible 3+1 program with Brookdale Community College, which will save you money on tuition and fees.
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“This university is so much more than just your average college. It is this combination of values that sets Georgian Court apart from other schools, and with all of the great experiences and opportunities I have had, I would not want to spend my college years anywhere else. This university has taught me so many things in such a short amount of time, and I am so proud to be a Georgian Court University student.”