Find out about requirements, fees, and deadlines
University of the Pacific looks at the whole student when reviewing applications. We consider grades, curriculum, activities and the optional ACT or SAT scores. If you have college credit before high school graduation, you should apply as a first-year student. Our Early Action deadline is November 15. That is also the required deadline for our pre-dentistry and pre-pharmacy applications. Our Regular Action deadline is January 15, 2024. To learn more about applying to Pacific, visit
Whether you're looking to transfer from another college or university or are a veteran considering transferring to Pacific, we'll work with you to make the most of eligible credits and steer you toward the right courses for your desired career. For specific questions about your personal transfer experience, please contact Pacific’s Transfer Team at
"We’ve created a student-centered academic experience that allows students to customize and accelerate their education. We’ve created an environment that’s inclusive and supportive, giving students from all walks of life the confidence to know they’ll succeed. We’ve created a three-campus ecosystem in one of the most dynamic cultural, economic, and governmental regions in the country — preparing our students for the careers they dream of..."