Meet students where they are to help them get where they’re going.
Take advantage of a targeted application experience based on a student’s age, goals, current degree status, and credits earned.
Applicants are guided through a tailored experience and able to provide additional critical information about their background.
Member institutions can provide personalized pathways and centralize management of documents and transcripts.
Common App for transfer is built to address and support the needs of the adult student population and provide members with deeper insight into what prospective students can bring to their campuses.
Common App for transfer includes expanded document collection, including those applicable to transfer applicants, such as DD214, Joint Services Transcript, and financial transcript.
As a key benefit of your membership, Common App for transfer will help you provide students with the varied program options they need to find the right college for them.
I’m really excited with the direction the Common App has moved in offering a robust application for transfer students that really will meet students — prospective students — of all ages and all life situations where they are in the educational pipeline.